What is Nitrous Sedation?

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is colorless and has a slightly sweet scent and taste. It is commonly used in dental settings to reduce anxiety and nervousness during dental procedures. It is NOT a numbing agent (anesthetic).

Why is Nitrous Oxide Sedation Helpful?

There are a few reasons why you might want your child to use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) during treatment. In pediatric dentistry, the two main reasons to use laughing gas is: (1) it helps the patient be more relaxed for the treatment experience, and (2) it blocks their view from tools we use that can look “scary” to them.

Who is a Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Most of our patients are good candidates for nitrous oxide sedation. We will review your child’s medical history, but there are extremely few cases where nitrous oxide is contra-indicated. As mentioned, it is a very safe gas and the effects are completely “flushed out” before your child leaves the office. It important to note that nitrous oxide is not a “miracle gas”. If your child is very nervous, just breathing laughing gas will not make them be cooperative. Nitrous oxide makes a good patient better, not an uncooperative patient good. If your child is unable to sit through treatment with nitrous oxide, other sedation alternatives are available and should be discussed.

What happens during the Nitrous Sedation process?

We will place a small mask over your child's nose and instruct them to breathe in. The sweet-smelling gas will begin to work almost immediately, in the hopes that it will relax and calm your child while we begin the planned procedure. Once the procedure is over, the mask will stay on for about 3-5 minutes for your child to breathe 100% oxygen and remove all nitrous gas from his/her system.

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