What is a Dental Filling?

A dental filling is a restoration that is specifically used to fill in an area of one or more teeth that have become decayed. Dental decay, or a cavity, can penetrate a tooth and cause pain and infection. Before the decay is allowed to get to this point, treatment may be necessary, depending on your child’s age and dental development.

Why Is It Important to Find Cavities Early?

In many cases, you won’t know your child is developing cavities until they start hurting or it has advanced deep into the tooth. Children often get cavities between their teeth and those can only be detected with x-rays. Finding cavities early can help us increase treatment options and sometimes even avoid treatment.

How Are Fillings Done On Kids?

That is a great question! The short answer is: It depends! Treatment choices are selected based on many factors: child’s age, behavior, inability to cooperate, extent of treatment needs, and medical history. Every child is different, so treatments choices must be individually selected for each child. Most of the time, if a child can be cooperative, we use Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas), as a way to help the child tolerate treatment and have a positive experience. Sometimes, if a child is very young or uncooperative, sedation may be the best choice.

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