What are Sealants?

Sealants are thin, clear protective coverings that can be applied to the back teeth. Sealants are ideal for pediatric patients, and when applied early, they can prevent cavities from ever growing. The beauty about sealants is that they're ideal both for pediatric patients as well as adult patients alike. Most sealants have the ability to last for up to three years before they'll naturally wear away.

Where Are Sealants Placed?

Sealants are placed on 1st permanent molars, which usually come in when a child is 6 years old, and on 2nd molars, which usually come in when a child is 12 years old.

What happens during the Sealant procedure?

The sealant procedure is quick, simple and done within minutes in our office. We first clean and then dry the back teeth. A clear liquid varnish is then brushed over the teeth, only on the back chewing surfaces. These sealants are then dried and cured with a bright light. The process is then repeated for any other back teeth that need this type of protection. It is important that you still brush and floss your teeth normally, since sealants do not protect the front teeth or between the back teeth after they have been placed in our office.

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