What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency can occur at virtually at any time, especially on children. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for many of these emergencies to leave a patient in severe pain and discomfort. All emergencies should be treated as early as possible to avoid pain and discomfort, but some emergencies, like permanent tooth fractures and knocked out teeth, are even more time-sensitive. We understand that dental emergencies can be very stressful and are committed to helping your child with the best possible outcome.

What Should I Do If My Child Knocks Out a Permanent Tooth?

A tooth “avulsion” (knocking out of tooth, including the root) is the most time-sensitive dental emergency. If that happens to your child, place the tooth in a cup of milk and drive to the dentist immediately! Call us on your way and we will accommodate you right away. The longer the tooth is out of the socket, the more complicated the case becomes.

What are some of the more common Dental Emergencies?

We see a number of different dental emergencies on any given day. For this reason, we recommend coming in to be seen whenever you notice something is wrong. Some of the more common emergencies include:

  • Avulsions (knocked out teeth)
  • Abscesses and Infections
  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • Broken fillings or crowns
  • Trauma from falls and sports accidents

What can be expected while undergoing Dental Emergency treatment?

Dental emergencies can be very stressful for both a parent and a child. Please know we will do our best to diagnose and treat the problem as early as possible to fix the situation. Most often, x-rays need to be taken in order to diagnose the problem correctly. We will do this in the most gentle way possible to avoid more discomfort. Our goal is to make your child whole again the most kind and efficient way possible

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