Teeth Cleanings
What are Dental Exams & Cleanings?
Keeping your child’s teeth healthy and clean requires diligent brushing, flossing, and a healthy balanced diet. Plaque and debris build up in different areas of the teeth, making it more risky for children to develop dental decay early in life. A safe and efficient way to remove plaque buildup and find areas of concern, is with cleanings and exams in a dental office.
Why are Dental Exams & Cleanings necessary?
Even with the best brushing habits, your child can still benefit from dental visits. Exams are just as necessary, since they can alert us of minor problems early. In children, some issues can be resolved without treatment, which makes it even more important to find them before they become an issue.
How Often Should Your Child Come In For Dental Cleanings?
Just like adults, we recommend that children go to the dentist every six months starting at 12 month or when they start growing teeth. There are two main reasons to start early: (1) the sooner the child comes, the earlier they get used to it and begin to develop a relationship of trust with the dentist, and (2) parent education - there are certain things, that if avoided, can prevent serious issues very early. The more parents know about things to do and things to avoid, the better.
What Can Your Child Expect At The Appointment For Dental Cleanings?
The appointment will begin with a review of medical and dental history and x-rays (as needed). Your child's teeth are then polished and carefully flossed. Once the cleaning has been completed, the doctor will come in to perform the exam and answer any questions you may have. The exam allows us to check for signs of decay, loose teeth, defective fillings, and possible space concerns your child may have. To make your future appointments easier, we'll pre-schedule them before you leave the office.
Want to schedule an appointment?
Contact us to schedule